Title: Candle in the Window Artist: masterofmercury Character: Sirius Rating: G Medium: OpenCanvas + Photoshop A/N: for 7hexes, prompt: candle in the window
♠ Resources list is finally updated, after the long, lazy year! If I use your resources and/or you find something missing/wrong/etc. please feel free to drop a comment anywhere on my LJ, I don't mind. Though I would prefer it if you drop a comment in the resource list here.
Title: tomorrow is something we remember Artist: masterofmercury Pairing: Sirius/Harry Rating: PG-13 A/N: For 7hexes's prompt, set 4, 'tomorrow is something we remember' [ table] Hey! Don't forget to sign up for SIRRY_SLASH SECRET SANTA 2006!!! :D